
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

February 12, 2022

The DUNEiverse & Freemasonry and the Deeper Meaning of Sci Fi ... and Sychromsticism?

Dune & the Deeper Meaning of Sci Fi,
Rebel Wisdom
I must admit that I was transported to another world on more than one occasion when watching the new
2021 version of 'Dune' at the cinema ... and that was the world of sleep:-)

Probably my own fault there than how boring the film can get at times, as I had eaten 6 plates of sushi and drunk a beer at the sushi restaurant before seeing the movie.
So not having read any of the books and only seeing Lynch's 1984 version of the movie on a VHS rental tape a few years after it came out, I would have to agree with Amanda's review of the 2021 movie in 'The Big Picture' podcast below, where she says she was really impressed for the first hour of the movie, because the movie truly is a cinematic spectacle ... but the story-line ... meh?
And like one of the other hosts in 'The Big Picture' podcast below, I didn't know that this was a two-part movie and not a real remake of Lynch's version, so at the end of the movie I was like ... what?!
The Big Picture Podcast:
While David Lynch is one of my favorite movie directors 'Dune' is not a movie I consider a Lynch movie, as does he himself by taking his name off the movie credits when it was released.
I was keen to watch the Lynch version once more after seeing the 2021 version to see the differences in each version and could only find this fan version re-edit by Spicediver below, as I wasn't going to pay to watch it.
I had forgotten that Dean Stockwell was in the Lynch version of 'Dune' which makes it rather synchromystical that Dean would pass away pretty much when the new version hit the big screen. 
And I was sent down some rather synchromystical rabbit holes when I did a search for podcast episodes about both versions of the movie and just why the fans like the Frank Herbert books the movies came from.
Here's the Thing Podcast:
Kyle MacLachlan
Kyle MacLachlan
Blowing Your Mind*
David Lynch
And not to mention Frank's other books, as well:-)
And how weird that Alicia Witt's family tragedy would hit the news around the time of the new version of 'Dune' hitting the movie screens?
Never-mind the DUNEiverse, because to me the universe we live in is way stranger if you can stay awake and pay attention long enough, I think;-)
Bob Saget's Here For You ... Not?

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