
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

April 13, 2024

The Collective Unconscious in the New Movie DREAM SCENARIO?ðŸŽĨ ðŸ’ĪðŸ˜ī🛌😊🎎

I listened to
this podcast above yesterday at just after 3am in the morning after awaking from a weird dream (probably the result of having had a deep-fried dinner of a seafood basket and a deep-fried Mars bar) after only having two hours of sleep, and while trying to lull myself back to sleep, which I failed to do.
Deep-Fried Happenstance?
So, this will be a post in progress, while I attempt to paste together the weirdness of yesterday and the day before listening to that podcast.
Nic Cage did not appear in any of my dreams ... that I can recall, at least ... nor did Kate Berlant:-)
Dream Scenario?🛌ðŸ’ĪðŸ˜ī
And I am yet to watch the movie
'Dream Scenario'.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood?
So, buckle up ... and you might want to wind the windows up, as well;-)
I went to watch the
Brisbane Lions play the Melbourne Demons down at my son's place on his large screen TV on Thursday night and he wanted to get some fish and chips before the match for dinner, so we keyed up some local fish and chips shops on Google Maps and drove out to Holmview to try the 7 Seas fish and chip shop.
I'd never been out to Holmview before and kept making jokes to my son about winding the windows up if we drove down any rough looking streets:-)
I had the seafood pack for one, plus a deep-fried Mars bar, and my son had cod and chips, plus a batted pineapple ring.
The Lions won, and ended their MCG losing nightmare, but my fatty dinner gave me nightmares that night ... not that I can remember them now.
And when I woke up I reached for my iPad to see what I could listen to while I fell back to sleep.
I saw that 'This Jungian Life' had a new podcast episode to listen to, so I did.
And I didn't fall back to sleep.
It's one of the shows pictured above, which I actually keep on my list, whereas podcasts like 'The Confessionals', 'Depression Detox', 'We Can Do Hard Things' and 'Read Books' are only on my list because I listened to one particular episode and had them on my list until I wrote about that particular episode.
For instance, 'The Confessionals' is only on there until I write about Mike Clelland being on that show, not because I listen to Bigfoot podcasts regularly ... yawn!
Although I liked that episode on many levels ... which you will soon be able to read about in a later post.
I first listened to this show on March 14th (3/14)
This episode was numbered 314?!
One theme I found personally synchy was the Pi/Pie theme running through my last few weeks, as I had first listened to Mike Clelland being interviewed on that Confessionals podcast episode on Pi Day (AKA March 14th or 3/14) then seen a book I own and am reading now was turned into a TV series that dropped on Pi Day (AKA March 14th or 3/14) and the newspaper article about the TV show was written by Georgia Clelland.
And at around the
30-minute mark of the Confessionals podcast is a commercial about Apple Pie loving Bigfoots:-)

The Confessionals Podcast: Mike Clelland
Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books Podcast
I wonder if there are any newspaper articles written
by Georgia Clelland in that room?-)
Kate Berlant was born on the 16th of July?
Another thing I noticed about Kate was that she was born on July 16th, which was one of Kubrick's favourite dates for releasing his films ... especially his last one.
And of course, Kubrick shares July 26th with Jung as a birthday, which was the date Tarantino released 'Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood' on when Tate's family knocked back his suggestion of August 9th.
Is Kate into Bigfoot?-)
Does a Bigfoot POOG in the woods?-)
Poog with Kate Berlant and Jacqueline Novak
Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books Podcast
I like how Liane's 2021 interview above fell on Sam Neill's birthday, since he is one of the main stars in the TV series her book is based on:-)

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