
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

March 26, 2022

Australia is Just a Playground for UFOs and Aliens?-)

Capitalising on the notoriety of the biggest
UFO sighting in Australian history?
Podcast Edition 623 -
Ross Coulthart
I've lived in Australia all my life (barring a 10-day trip to New Zealand in the late 70s) and I have never heard of this playground in Melbourne with the UFO spaceship in it until Ross mentions it at around the 35th minute of the latest  'Unexplained' podcast to Howard.
'UFO Park' at The Grange Reserve, Westall
Mind you, I have only been to Melbourne once in my life in 2016, so I'm not that familiar with the city once outside the CBD.
But next time I'm down in Melbourne I'll be checking out this park for myself and keeping an eye out for owls, too;-)
Osborne Avenue Clayton South Melway Ref 79 F8,
Clayton, Monash, Victoria Australia
I wish I could remember what happened the day the UFO landed in that Victorian school playground, but I wasn't even 2 years old then.
Dam screen memories:-)

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