
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

March 22, 2022

One Hell of a Singapore Synchro?

The Mystical Underground:
Philip Merry
The 9 Keys of Synchronicity
I listened to the above
'Mystical Underground' podcast when it hit my Apple Podcast list on my 
iPad Pi Day (March 14th, 2022) thinking that lucky for me Australia is a day ahead of the USA where the podcast was released on the 13th;-)
The SIGNificance of Numbers?
The Sixth Milestone
Rob and Trish interview Philip Merry from Singapore in that podcast episode, and I've been reading a travel book about Singapore, because I was thinking of taking a trip from my home country of Australia to Singapore sometime in 2023.
Mind you, I'd need to manifest about $15,000 like Philip recalls doing in that podcast episode to make that trip a reality -
Using "Intuition" and Axe Throwing Effectively?
My home made Singapore Noodles
And when I read about Singapore's all year-round humidity in my travel book, I put my book aside thinking that planned trip seemed more like a potential trip to hell and back and maybe wasn't such a good idea after all.
But after listening to the 'Mystical Underground' podcast that travel bug was nipping at my ear telling me that I should pick up my travel book and keep planning my trip.
I thought to myself if I can find a sign in the next few pages of the book, I might just put aside my visions of humidity hell and go.
Then I saw this picture of pink flamingos in a Singapore bird park and thought what the h...
Lucky Mann?
I wonder if that's a good or bad sign to change the name of 
the park?-)
Then I read about the
"Ten Courts of Hell" in the travel guide and thought that my trip could literally be a trip to hell and back if I visit this place:-)
I don't know why I thought it would take
eternity to go through this place:-)
Well, if I do go to hellI'm gonna get a little thirsty and I do like 
Tiger Beer:-)
Singapore Is a Beer-Lover's Dream Come True
Well, it looks like I'm motivated to venture over again now, I'll just need to get manifesting the money now to go:-)
But the road to Singapore is paved with good intentions, as they say, don't they?-)
And did Philip mention the word "Pronoia" to Rob in that podcast?-)
World Entertainment War

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