
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

March 2, 2022

Putin's Religious Mission?

Another interesting chat about Russia with 'Blondie' ex-guitarist Gary Lachman at the 'Rebel Wisdom' You Tube channel about his book (which I haven't read) 'The Return of Holy Russia'.
Putin, Gary Lachman and Holy Russia?
Personally, I hate Putin and wish him death for what he is doing to the Ukraine right now, but I don't hate the Russian people, as most Russians I have met seem like nice people to me, no better or worse than most Americans I have met.
I'm sure some of my distant relatives who had to flee Russia a century or two ago would disagree with me there, but there are good and bad in all races I reckon.
And now we are seeing cancel culture stopping the sale of Russian vodka in the big chain bottle-shops in Australia, as if drinking Russian vodka means you are supporting Putin and his insane war.
And now Belarus’ President Alexander Lukashenko – a close ally of Vladimir Putin – appears to have accidentally revealed top-secret plans to invade a new country ... Moldova.
God save us all from "religious" nuts and/or atheist psychopaths like Putin I say.
Another Global Crisis, Another Simpsons Prediction?

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