
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

February 3, 2023

Why, Why, Why Deliliah?ðŸ‰ðŸ—ĄðŸē

I saw in
the news yesterday that the Tom Jones hit song 'Delilah' has been banned from 
Wales rugby international matchdays at Cardiff’s Principality Stadium.
And I couldn't help thinking how well this news story meshed synchromystically with my last post about the Years of the Dragon and Rabbit -
Crime and Punishment 
1979 TV Mini Series
The Welsh flag
My dad's Tom Jones album in my vinyl collection
"Choirs have been told they can no longer sing the Tom Jones hit ‘Delilah’ while performing during Wales rugby international matchdays at Cardiff’s Principality Stadium.
The lyrics of the song, an enduring standard for
Welsh pop star Jones since it first charted in the late 1960s, include a reference to a woman being murdered by her jealous partner.
One line of the song reads: “
I crossed the street to her house and she opened the door; she stood there laughing, I felt the knife in my hand and she laughed no more.”
Wednesday’s announcement came with the
Welsh Rugby Union still reeling from allegations of misogyny, sexism, racism and homophobia within the ranks of the governing body.
Claims of a “
toxic culture” at the WRU were aired in a television documentary last week, resulting in the resignation of chief executive Steve Phillips on Sunday.
WRU took ‘Delilah’ off its half-time entertainment and music playlist during Test matches in 2015.
And now guest choirs have also been asked to avoid singing
the song."
When my father passed away in 2016 my mother asked me if I wanted any albums from my father's record collection, and I took quite a few including his 'Tom Jones Presents' album, which has 'Delilah' on it.
Oddly enough, I got to see Tom Jones play Bluesfest the year my dad passed away, and Tom sung 'Delilah' that night -
Easter Monday at Bluesfest 2016
Maybe they should sing 'Green, Green Grass of Home' 
from now on?-)
But how are they going to stop a full stadium of spectators breaking into 'Delilah'?-)
Man stabbed, woman questioned on possible
domestic violence incident at Brisbane home
Ironically, I saw this local news story above after reading about Tom's song being banned at Welsh Rugby home games.
Groundhog Day in the Year of the Rabbit?⛳ðŸ•ģ🐇

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