
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

May 4, 2024

May the 4th (Star Wars Day) 2024 ... The Empire Never Ended?🏯🏰😎🎬

Today is May the 4th (AKA Star Wars Day), but I'll be spending the day trying to finish reading PKD's mental breakdown of a novel 'VALIS' ... because according to Dick, The Empire never ended:-)
Radio Free Albemuth (VALISystem A)?📡🛰
That's Dick's Exegesis under his semi-autobiographical novel VALIS
I'm halfway through reading 
'VALIS' and then have the last two of his books to read before starting on his 'Exegesis', which I'm really looking forward to reading ... NOT
The published version of Dick's 'Exegesis' is apparently one tenth the size of the original.
I found it amusing when getting up this morning to tear off the previous date of my Chinese wall calendar to see the May the 4th page and to see my other pictures of Brisbane (and surrounds) wall calender had a picture of the Japanese gardens in Toowoomba, as I hadn't along finished watching and reading Dick's 'The Man in the High Castle' where he had a Japanese guy tossing the Chinese I Ching ... what a Dick?! 
The Man in the High Castle: Book vs Series?🎥📕🏯🏰
My original plan was to have finished reading all of Dick's books including his 
'Exegesis' by March 2024, but you know what they say, "if you want to make God Zebra laugh tell God Zerba your plans";-)
42 Minutes Episode 391:
Winter Book Club
Page 152 of 'VALIS'
It was listening to these Dickheads above at '42 Minutes' for about the last 10 years that got me into buying Dick's novel 'VALIS' and his 'Exegesis' to see for myself just what kind of "prophet" he was.
I'm only interested in Dick's semi-autobiography and stories from a pop-cultural perspective, not because I think he was a "prophet".
I think he was a drugged out religious nut bag, who read a lot of historical fantasy and fact and spewed it back up on paper in what he thought of as the truth.
Much like Chistopher Knowles at 'The Secret Sun' blog deludes himself with in his own search for the "truth" ... as amusing as that is to read.
Dream Shamanism - Extraterrestrial Understandings & Synchromysticism Beyond the Illusion? 😴👽🛌💤👾🪄🐇🐰
It's no wonder Knowles is a PKD fanboy;-)
It's a pity Dick died before he could write 'The Owl in the Daylight', as I would have liked to have read what he thought about owls.
"The Owl in Daylight is a novel Philip K. Dick was writing at the time of his death in 1982. He had already been paid an advance for the book by the publisher and was working against a deadline. After his death, his estate approached other writers about the possibility of someone completing the novel based on his notes, but that proved to be impossible, as he had never formally outlined the story. Dick viewed the novel as his Finnegans Wake."
Strange Stories with the
Seeker and
the Skeptic
I'm fascinated by people who write semi-autobiographical fiction of the strange lives they have led ... or thought they had led;-)
Mike Clelland:
Owls Are Not What They Seem
I've been listening to the latest podcasts that my old mate Mike Clelland has been on, telling all about his latest 
semi-autobiographical work of fiction.
I've also been listening to podcasts about what people who have read
VALIS thought about it.
Such as this 2011 BBC podcast/radio show with actor Michael Sheen.
Great Lives Podcast: Philip K Dick
Which is bizarre as my local Brisbane cinema informed me this morning about a screening this month of a play Michael Sheen is in called 'NYE':-)
Celebrate the 100th NT Live production to hit the big screen
National Theatre Live: Nye (2024)
All the world is a stage, I guess?-)
Arts Ideas Podcast: VALIS and Philip K Dick
Imaginary Worlds Podcast:
Episode 91: Visions of Philip K. Dick
I think I'll need Zebra The Force with me to get through the rest of VALIS today:-)

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