
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

May 28, 2013

The Greatest Stories Ever Told?

This church
reminded me of sitting in a cinema,
 contemplating life
The Victoria Point Cineplex
 just outside Brisbane
The Victoria Point Cineplex
just outside
The Story - AKA The Best Wedding Video Ever  
I saw the above You Tube yesterday on the net and it reminded me of the post I wrote the other day about the spiritual experience of religious shrines and the cinema -
St.Kevin, Hollywood, 42 and Reflection... 
There is a nod to King Kong in the above video too, which reminded me of this bit of synchromysticism -

420 KONG

And of course 420 reminded me of this clip -
420 Bullseye
And this post about 420 -

My 420 Session in Oz;-)

ARMED With a DREAM - Peace of Me                                                     "ARMED With a DREAM "/42 Sync

Charles Durning:

The Red Shoe Connection?

Stargate of Oz
Scene from The Place Beyond the Pines
Amen to synchromysticism and cinema I say;-)
Danny McGinlay
If you watch Danny's show-real bear in mind that I live in Logan:-)
Checking the brewโ€™s gravity
Not only did this article get uploaded on April 20, but to me personally there is something very syncy in being 
"Celebrity Brew Day"

Repo Man/127 Sync

1 comment:

  1. You're able to connect so many things simultaneously that I can't imagine what your night time dreams are like, Daz!
