
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

March 25, 2023

The McDonald's Monopoly Fraud?💰ðŸ’ļðŸĪ‘

A few weeks back I was deciding whether to read 'The Rosie Effect' or 'The Monopoly Companion' so I searched for some podcasts about the Monopoly boardgame and stumbled upon a podcast about the McDonalds Monopoly fraud.
Irony and Pop-culture
Do Not Pass Go (2022)
 Just the Gist Podcast:
The McDonald's Monopoly Fraud
The podcast host was someone who I had met in real life named Rosie Waterland, who I wrote about in this old 2016 post -
Rosie's Chicken Soup for the Soul
So, I took this as a sign to read the book I stumbled across a few weeks ago in a West End book exchange in someone's front yard, 'The Rosie Effect' -
When I started reading 'The Rosie Effect' I saw these news stories above in my local newspaper one about a Bankster, and one titled 'Trickle-Don Beer-onomics'which I found amusing, because the protagonist of the novel Don Tillman gets a job managing a beer cellar in an apartment bought by an eccentric rich British rock star who also owns the apartment above the apartment with the beer cellar in it, and he lets Don and Rosie live in the beer cellar apartment rent free while Don manages his beer cellar.
The beer story was about a local Brisbane Beer Festival being held that weekend, which I wouldn't have minded going to, but found out about it too late.
I started reading 'The Monopoly Companion' back in 2016, but never finished reading it, so that's my next project after I get through reading 'The Rosie Effect', God willing;-)
I even bought myself a Monopoly scratch-it to scratch off when I complete reading 'The Monopoly Companion', but now I'm wondering how easy these would be to rig, too?
I recently bought my younger brother $50 worth of them for his birthday, and I think all he won was $15 and a free $5 Monopoly scratch-it.
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