
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 8, 2018

A Butcher Bird Visitor Dropped in Out of the Blue Today Just as I Posted My Last Post About Chaos Magick and Garbage:-)

After I had posted my last post -
Ear Spring Isn't Listening to Your Chaos Magick and Wishes?
I went downstairs to throw my old newspaper in the garbage bin and there was a butcherbird sitting on my bin.
The last time I saw a butcherbird in my backyard it had dropped a snake in it (probably the same bird, too) -
Twitching in My Backyard
And that was around a year ago.
As soon as I opened my sliding door the bird flew off the bin and came right over to me wanting to get inside my home.
As much as I would have loved to let the bird inside, I don't know how easy it would have been getting the bird outside again, so I had to have a conversation from the other side of my screen door.
I don't know what it is with me and butcherbirds, but I seem to attract them no matter where I go, and it's not like I feed them.
These GIFs uploaded, but don't
seem to work by the looks:-(
I must have accidentally had my camera on gif mode, which was handy to give you more of an idea of the bird's personality.
I hope for more visits in the future from this chatty little bird.
Made my day.

UPDATE: November 10th, 2018
Yesterday I snapped this kookaburra on my back fence.
I often see a kookaburra out the front of my home sitting on a streetlamp, but never seen one in the backyard before.
What Window Are We Going To Go Through Today?

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