
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

September 5, 2023

The Weird Kidz?๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฒ

I saw a bit of traffic a week or two ago in my blog stats to an old post of mine featuring the movie 'Boyhood' which stars Patricia Arquette and Ellar Coltrane -
I wondered what acting projects that Ellar Coltrane had been in since the success of 'Boyhood', which by the way took 12 years to film, and is one Chinese zodiac cycle, or one revolution of planet Jupiter around the sun -
Jupiter and [Chinese] Astrology? ๐ŸŒƒ๐Ÿคฉ
Starring Ellar Coltrane as Shane McAvoy
Starring Ellar Coltrane as The Clerk
Turns out Ellar's latest movie project is an animated film called 'The Weird Kidz' which reminds me of something Mike Clelland would make or write about -
Old comic books and trashy
as inspiration?
Or something Gordon White would ask his podcast guests before an interview back in the day;-)
There is no shortage of weird kidz who grew up reading comic books and are still weird adults, whether you go by Mr. White's definition of the word or anyone else's, right Mr. Knowles?-)

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