
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 26, 2022

Eddie Rabbitt Passed Away in the Year of the Tiger 24 Years Ago This Year?

I was reading an old post from 2016 about Eddie Rabbitt and the records I had of my father's and I thought I haven't played many records lately, so I put Eddie's Horizon on the turntable -
Drive the Carrot, Don't Let It Drive You
I had been flicking through a book about Singapore I had picked up at a secondhand bookstore, or maybe an ALDI supermarket a while back, as it's a country I've always thought would be interesting to visit, since the only overseas country I've ever been to is 
As I was having a read of my book Eddie's song '747' came on, a song I had forgotten he sung.
I thought well that's a song for the times now;-)
The weird thing also was that when I was looking for a You Tube of '747' I found the one above which was uploaded on April 8th, which is my father's birthday:-)
I also noticed when I was reading about Eddie on his
Wikipedia page that he passed away 24 years ago this year, which meant he passed away in 1998 the Year of the Tiger.
I probably couldn't make it to Singapore until next year anyway, by the time I get a passport and save enough money, as well as plan out my trip.
And next year would ironically be 2023, the Year of the Rabbit:-)
Or maybe I should wait for 2024, the Year of the Dragon, my birth zodiac?-)
Although, whose to say I'll even make it to 2022, the 
Year of the Tiger?
Anything could happen between now and the 1st of February, if I'm not lucky, right?-)
2022 Water TigerExplosive Energy ... ?

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