
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

May 21, 2022

Damien Nott is a Great Cnut ... or a Distant Relative at Least?

I wrote about Damien from Dunedoo in a recent post and some of the podcasts and docos I had heard and seen him on -
Is Damien Nott Telling the TRUTH?
And in one podcast I listened to featuring Damien telling his tales, in the last 4 minutes of that podcast when the host is asking where listeners can find him he says to put "Damien Nott" into internet search engines as he has one of those surnames you cun can't forget, which he believes makes him a distant relative of 'Cnut the Great' the former king of Norway, England and Denmark!?
This got me wondering that if this story of Damien's being a distant relative of the Great Cnut was true, might I also be related to the Great Cnut as well, as according to my DNA tests which seem to keep changing every few months as they refine their testing (so they say) I'm now 25% Swedish/Danish and now 6% Norwegian, up 4% from my 2% from the last time they updated my test, while dropping my 3% Welsh DNA to 0%.
Some of my old DNA according to
Icelandic Sagas and Synchronicity?
My given name Darren according to a key-ring I once bought at a newsagent even means "The Great", so I could maybe be 
"Darren the Great Cnut", too, if I could just pay enough money to trace my DNA back to Norway and find out the truth;-)
The Great what? Don't answer that:-)
Or shucks ... at least my mother didn't name me Damien;-)
I guess we all like to
tell ourselves stories of just how "Great" we think We are in this lifetime, right Damien?-)

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