
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

February 19, 2020

The Land of the L OZ T?

Missing woman survives five days lost in Queensland forest
I'd seen the above story in the news about a woman who was found after being lost for five days in the bush, just after I had listened to a podcast about children who had wandered off into the bush and gotten lost, with sometimes tragic results -
Grave Tales Australia Podcast: The Land of Lost Children
It's a good podcast episode to have a listen to, which tells how easy it is to get lost in the Aussie bushland when you aren't familiar with your surroundings.
The story and Johnny Ashcroft song of the little boy lost is also talked about in the podcast, and I see that Johnny turned 90 on the first of this month.
In 1788, Ashcroft's great-great-great-grandfather, Marine Corporal John Gwoan, arrived in Australia aboard the First Fleet's Flagship, HMS Sirius.
I wrote about another 'Grave Tales Australia' podcast in my Ned Kelly post, which was about the maybe not so true history of Dan Kelly
True History of the Kelly Gang ... and Dan Kelly?
Australia is a beautiful country to go for a walk in, but as the young Chinese woman found out, not in torrential rain and with creeks rising.
Babes of Walloon

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