
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

March 25, 2020

Guess Where I Was Today?

Bindi Irwin and Chandler Powell have decided to get married today ahead of strict coronavirus measures kicking off at midnight tonight
These (the one's not crossed out) were the shows that were on today
And no, I wasn't on the guest list for the wedding.
In fact, I didn't even know Bindi was getting married today.
I've been trying to get up to Australia Zoo for months, but every time I picked a day to go, either bad weather, bush fires in the area, or something else would come up and I couldn't make the trip.
I had planned on going up last Friday, but then talked myself into going Sunday, so I didn't get stuck in peak hour traffic on the freeway both ways.
Then my son texted me and asked if I wanted to watch the Brisbane Lions AFL Team play their first match of the season (which turned out to also be their last for the season, most likely) on free-to-air TV at my place.
The shutdown came as Hawthorn
Brisbane on Sunday
I thought that I couldn't miss watching my team play their first game of the season, so I decided to plan on heading up to Australia Zoo on Monday.
Free-to-air television networks to suffer
But then there was uncertainty as to whether theme parks were going to be able to remain open, and I didn't want to drive to the Sunshine Coast for nothing, so I decided to go and vote on Monday and hear what the news was with Australia Zoo staying open, and then maybe head there Tuesday -
"Queenslanders have been advised to “stay in your state, stay in your suburb” but by-elections and council elections will still go ahead."?!
Rain was then forecast for Tuesday, so Wednesday it would have to be hopefully ... and it was.
I knew if I didn't go today then tomorrow the zoo may have to close for God knows how long.
Wedding day, March 25th, 2020
The elephants in the room today for the
Queensland tourist industry?
The Australia Zoo website
announcement tonight
(in red)
I can tell you that a trip to the zoo was far safer than going voting on Monday, or to a trip to get food at my local supermarket, or a haircut (I usually cut my own anyway, if you wonder why it looks so bad:-).
And while the Queensland government is shutting everything down, they still want people to vote this coming weekend, or be fined for not voting.
I took this kookaburra in the carpark as a good sign:-) 
I wondered why I was told at the entrance of the zoo that they would be closing the Africa section of the zoo at midday, and that if I wanted to see it, I should probably go there first, as the animals were getting fed already.
Now I realize in hindsight that there was a bigger elephant in the room today. 
Well, WHO knew about this wedding today?-)
Looks like the African border is open for
Queenslanders to walk through?
While the New South Wales/Queensland state borders were being closed tonight, nobody seemed to be stopping you from walking across the African/Queensland borders:-)
Try walking across this Australia Zoo
zebra crossing if you dare:-)
It wasn't too hard to practice social
 today in the zoo
No wonder there was a black florist van
near the cafe tent in
The elephants were probably in their room today:-)
The Bindi's Island treehouse building
I wanted to checkout that treehouse on Bindi's Island, but on my way back from the Africa section of the park I turned right to the tiger enclosure, although I vowed to come back later in the day and take a look at Bindi's Island.
There's that elephant again;-)
See WELL in the dark?-)
But when I was heading to Bindi's Island at around 3 o'clock, a security guard had drawn a scissor gate across the path and told me that section of the park was now closed.
No problem walking into Southeast Asia 
Queensland, either;-)
It's kind of eerie to walk through an almost empty zoo.
The security guard sitting near the scissor gate
yesterday at the zoo
The tiger trainers did put on a show for 5 of us
paying customers at the end of the day
It's a jungle in there and out here too, it seems in 2020.
See WELL in the dark?-)
See WELL in the dark?-)
But apart from all of the "no shows" and early closures at Australia Zoo today, I still had a good time, and I wish Bindi and Chandler well in their marriage.
More posts to come on my visit to the zoo in the days ahead.

UPDATE: March 26th, 2020
Border shutdowns?
Coronavirus: Chaos at NSW and Queensland border following more state border closures


  1. Back in the day my son and I loved watching that crocodile smootcher and his family. Such a shock when he was killed but at least it was exactly where he loved being.

  2. My two boys loved watching Steveo, too.
    I took them up to Australia Zoo twice when Steve was alive, but we never got to see Steve while up there.
    I remember telling my boys about a month before Steve died that Steve took the danger too lightly and that one day soon an animal would turn on him unexpectedly and kill him.
    It was just the feeling I had at the time.
    I never for the life of me thought it would be a stingray though.
    I was thinking more along the lines of a croc, or a shark.
    I texted my sons from the zoo yesterday and sent a few pictures from my phone, as they knew I had been seriously trying to head up to the zoo for the last fortnight, and they were surprised that the zoo was still open yesterday.
    I don't think either of them have been back to the zoo since I took them as kids.
    They wouldn't recognize the place now.

  3. I always thought he would get his face bitten off by a komodo dragon or some such for sure. He was the cutting edge of reality TV.
    I really love that in a real way you WERE at Bindi's wedding, so close you must have mixed energy fields. A happy event in the face of ???? I saw a few pictures of the young couple and they are as adorable as her parents were, and I thought her dress was sweet and lovely. If you knew what was up you may have needed a happy hankie!
    Our local grocery store is at least one third empty and has hours from 10 to 6. Getting local take out to tip my friends. A peasouper of a fog is rolling in, 34 degrees f. I am stocked up on books. I personally have not had someone I know contact covid, but it is around our area. The future = fog. Take care, whatever that means now, and, like they say around Australia Zoo, "thanks for all the fish!".
