
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

March 15, 2020

2020: Isn't it Ironic?

I missed Bluesfest last year for the first time in God knows how many years, and this year I was only going down for Good Friday to catch Alanis Morissette.
When I heard that Alanis was playing Bluesfest in 2020 I couldn't wait to travel down to Byron Bay to catch her play live.
Especially when I remember back to this event I posted about in 2014 -
Love on the Rocks ... A Fool's Journey?
The ring launch pad on Cape Byron, New South Wales, Australia 
I just knew something was going to ironically prevent me from seeing Alanis play in Byron Bay, but not a corona-virus shutting Australia and the rest of the world down.
Radio Free Albemuth: Isn't It Ironic?
Alanis Morissette in 
Radio Free Albemuth'
Are You Using The Word ‘Ironic’ Correctly?
And if I have been using the word "ironic" on this blog wrongly then I couldn't give a f#ck ironically enough, and in that case it's just "bad luck" for all you intellectual wankers (maybe I'm using that word wrongly, as well;-) reading the blog, isn't it?-)

UPDATE: March 17th, 2020
It's official -
2020 Bluesfest cancelled: ‘We are heartbroken’

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