
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

March 13, 2020

Johnny Depp, FISH 'N' CHIX and Whitey Bulger?

2020 Fish n Chix Edition
Amber Heard as Mera
Depp as Whitey Bulger
I wrote a post about reading 'He Will Live UP in the Sky' on Kindle the other day and when I read chapter 10 I couldn't help thinking some 'FISH 'N' CHIX' merch shirts would be good for fans of the book -
I left a comment on the author's blog telling Chris 'FISH 'N' CHIX' 
t-shirts would make a good marketing tool for when people would stop and ask fans wearing the shirt just what the t-shirt meant, and they could tell the enquirer, "It's a fictitious fish shop from a great book everybody's reading now called 'He Will Live Up in the Sky'."
I couldn't help thinking of Johnny Depp playing Whitey Bulger in 'Black Mass' and his ex-sparring partner from 'Aquaman' (so I've HEARD:-) getting recorded on a cell phone admitting to beating on him, when I read about that guy in the 'FISH 'N' CHIX' shirt in the fish shop across the road from the Mob club telling the cops about Whitey Bulger:-)
'Black Mass' is also Depp's "one degree of Kevin Bacon" movie, as Bacon plays FBI detective Charles McGuire in the same movie.
The Invisible Man Has a Hollow Ring to It?
Synchromystically, Depp's next film 'Minimata' comes out on Whitey Bulger's birthday of September 3rd this year, and is about poisoned fish.
Depp plays war photographer W. Eugene Smith who travels back to Japan where he documents the devastating effect of mercury poisoning in coastal communities.
Hmm ... Mercury and Mad Hatters disease?
I don't suppose Johnny Depp would be interested in buying a
'FISH 'N' CHIX' t-shirt anytime soon?-)

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