
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

March 1, 2020

Because It Was There?

I saw this news story above today and that brought back memories of the hot summer day I climbed down that mountain with no balance, or ropes and badly sun struck.
Climb Every Mountain?
Mt. Tibrogargan ... going down
Tibrogargan is almost vertical in some parts
I remember someone above me dislodging a rock as big as my fist and the rock missing my head by inches that day.
It would have been game over at that point if it knocked me out and I rolled off the rock-face.
That mountain has claimed a few lives over the years and mine could have easily been one of them the day I climbed it.
Now I look back and wonder why I used to risk life and limb just to climb to the top and down again.

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