
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

July 9, 2020

Swimming in the Deep End with Nina Thompson?

Lea Thompson and John Putch in Jaws 3-D (1983)
In a recent blog post I wrote about discovering the 'Lucid Cafe' podcast and Dr. Beitman's theme of "The Waking Dream" being like some Sunday afternoon pleasant boat-ride down a stream -
Inside Out and Down Under?-)
Lucid Cafe Podcast: Life is But A Dream: The Science of Coincidence with Bernard Beitman, MD
Connecting with Coincidence Podcast: Wendy Halley - The Waking Dream?
Starring Lea Thompson
But I would argue with Bernie that life is more like a combination of a dream and a nightmare, all at once.
For some, like my recently deceased older brain-damaged from birth brother, I would imagine that his life was more of a nightmare than a dream, and of course for some rare people life is but a pleasant dream ... maybe?
Just When You Thought it Was Safe to Go Outside Again?
Salavat Fidai's art
"If you don't take a photo it didn't happen."?
Smooth sailing, so far anyway, in JAWS 2
Ironically, I went as deep down the Apple podcast list of the
'Lucid Cafe' podcast as I could and found this one to listen to after I had listened to Bernie's 'Lucid Cafe' talk -
Lucid Cafe Podcast: Swimming in the Deep End with Nina.
It wasn't lost on me that Nina had the surname Thompson and that I have fare-welled a lot of family members and friends off at
Mount Thompson Crematorium in Brisbane in my lifetime, and that pretty soon family and friends may well be fare-welling me off from there also.
Not to mention that I had recently written a post about
Lea Thompson starring in 'Jaws 3D' and her daughter starring in 'Zombieland 2' -
One of Italy's Best-known Tourist Attractions - the Leaning Tower of Pisa - Has Reopened to the Public?
The night I went to sleep after my brother died I was wondering if I'd dream something significant, not that I usually recall many dreams, unless they are scary.
But that night I awoke after having a dream about climbing a step pyramid of hay bales that were against a solid wall with a steel beam sticking out from the wall above the top hay bale.
Just as I was approaching the top of what was probably a six story hay bale stack, the stack started to crumble and I just managed to grab the steel beam, but I was left hanging on the beam as I watched the bales all fall away to the ground.
Pretty much like that scene from the zombie movie above, not that I was hanging that high up as Woody is, but I knew if I was to let go I was going to die.
I hung there in my dream wondering if I should just let go, as nobody could save me and there was nowhere to go but down.
I had the feeling I should hang on, even though it seemed hopeless to, and then I woke up.
It wasn't until a day or two later that I saw the scene above in the zombie movie and thought WTF?
Then I watched a Marc Maron comedy special on Netflix called
'Too Real' where Marc says he gets this constant vision where he is hanging from a cliff and can't get back up.
And let's not forget my post about seeing the "just hang on, man" man at the Grateful Dead concert in the movie 'Have a Good Trip', which I recently wrote about in this post -
WTF: Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics?
"Just hang on man"?
Well, I guess if you are hanging off a cliff and you can't get up, or you a hanging off a steel beam on a six story plus solid wall that you don't have much choice, but to hang on man.
Not that I felt the dream was a message from my dead brother, it was more like a subconscious message that triggered like some kind of buried time prompt, like a seed that was ready to sprout at that time, or so it felt to me.
Hang on, keep swimming ... it's all the same message I guess?
Wake Up to Dying Project
A day or two after my brother had died I realized that the hands on my owl clock in my living room had stopped even though the pendulum was still swinging.
I knew the clock hands were working properly a few days before my brother's death, but I have no idea which day they had stopped.
I still found it spooky that the battery had run flat for the first time since I had bought the owl clock a few years back, considering I had already thrown the other clock out which I had also bought the day I had bought the owl clock, because the chime mechanism had gone haywire.
Who? The Angel of Death?
I guess there is a message in this post for me somewhere?
Just hang on while I try and find it, OK?-)
Better Than Yesterday Dr. Mark Cross?

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