
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 27, 2020

1013 Views Yesterday?

I've been reading Chris Knowles co-authored book on 'The X-Files' as well as watching the series in episode order on Amazon Prime the last few weeks (I'm currently up to season 8, episode 3), so 1013 is a number that is on my mind lately, I guess.
Chris Carter named his production
after his 
But I was looking at my blog stats yesterday and noticed my blog had 1013 views the day before. 
When I woke up this morning thinking about those 1013 views from yesterday, my stats were still showing 1013 views for yesterday:-)
I also noticed something else yesterday when I started watching season 8 of 'The X-Files' new intro.
On a
synchromystic note the first season 8 episode 'Within' aired on November 5, 2000, which not only happened to be Robert Partick's birthday that night, but it was also the 25-year anniversary of 
Travis Walton's UFO abduction.
And Robert Patrick starred in the 1993 movie version of the Travis Walton story called 'Fire in the Sky' where he played Mike Rogers
I also noticed Chris Carter had introduced "The Star Child" (of Scully's?-) into the new intros.
And of course, this season of 'The X-Files' was running from November 5th, 2000 to May 20th, 2001.
I seem to recall something happening in September 2001 between the airing of the first episode of season 9 on November 11th, 2001 and the last episode of season 8 on May 20th, 2001, do you?
Gillian Anderson's first time as director
I just took a break from my X-Files watching and watched another interesting movie on Amazon Prime yesterday by Dr. Steven Greer called 'Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun' which I found interesting.
And I also see that Richard Dolan, who was in that Travis Walton clip back further in this post has a new book out that also looks interesting by the look of Richard's You Tube spiel below.
Carl Jung and flying saucers?
Major Garland Briggs from 'Twin Peaks'
Captain Scully from 'The X-Files'
I guess the truth is more from "Within" than "Out There", don't you feel that, too?-)
The Iron Lady: Gillian Anderson as
Margaret Thatcher in 'The Crown'
The Crown, The X-Files and The Secret Sun of Synchromysticism?

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