
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 30, 2020

Does the Universe Present Challenges for Us to Grow?

I listened to the above podcast this morning while washing dishes and chopping wood ... OK, I didn't chop any wood, but that did sound more zen than just washing up if you think about it, right?-)
You can watch the You Tube above, or you can listen at Guy Lawrence's website here -
The Guy Lawrence Podcast: 90% Mental, 10% Physical | Kim Morrison
I found Kim's words well worth a listen, but did you have to mention that jerk Tony Robbins, Kim?-)
That tree above in Kim's Instagram caught my eye and thoughts, as my father's ashes were scattered under a tree like that one, as I wrote about here -
Delonix regia (poinciana)
Time for me to put up another tree tomorrow, too:-)
True North (Star)?

UPDATE: December 4th, 2020
Success from Home with
Rachel Bermingham
Ah, Kim's podcast is 'Up for a Chat' -

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