
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 15, 2020

A Historic 25-15 Victory in 2020 Rammed Home to The All Blacks' Fans?-)

Argentina pulled off the greatest
 win in its
rugby history:-)
I'm not really into Rugby Union as a sport (does Australia have a Rugby Union team I wonder?-), but being an Aussie, this result made me laugh harder than a viewing of the movie 'Rams' starring Kiwi actor Sam Neill:-)
Sorry, but I just couldn't help ramming it home to my kiwi little bros:-)
Argentina coach hails Pumas
players after defeating
All Blacks
I'll have to pay more attention to these Rugby Union news stories in the future.
And I wonder if
Australia has a team in that Bledisloe Cup competition?-)

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