
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 6, 2020

MytHistory: Popular Science (Fiction) ... and What Doesn't Kill You ...?

History mixed with myth;
a mythologized version of history
The latest free episode of the 'Wildthing: Space Invaders' podcast 'Popular Science (Fiction)' hit my Apple Podcast playlist on my iPad last night, which I thought was rather synchromystic, considering the last post I wrote about the podcasts 'Happy Place' and 'GABA' -
Lockdown on bonfire night featuring
 the voice of 
Sean Connery?
And considering that I'm halfway through reading a book on the 'X-Files' (and halfway through watching the crappy TV series) that was co-authored by Chris Knowles of 'The Secret Sun' blog, and released 12 years ago next Wednesday in the last 'Year of the Rat':-)
Foxtopus Ink, What We’re Up To?
What Doesn't Kill Us?
Happy Place Podcast: Wim Hof
What I find amusing listening to these free 'Wildthing: Space Invaders' podcast episodes is Laura flogging her partner's book about Wim Hof and his ice baths and breathing techniques.
Every Story is Part Myth No Matter How True People Want You to BeLIEve it is?

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