
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 13, 2020

Listening to 'The Black Magick Mirror And Facing Cycles' on Black Friday?

From the book I'm reading now called 'Savvy'
I was listening to this
'Lighting the Void' podcast today 
(Friday the 13th) where Joe Rupe talks about breaking cycles, and also talks about an abusive father who bought him a bicycle when he was a teenager to ride 15 miles each way to football training:-)
Did someone say "Moriarty"?-)
Queen Grace Fraser?
I also came across an Albert Einstein quote in a book I was reading today called 'Savvy' which I had started reading after seeing and hearing the word "savvy" in an X-Files episode I had just watched recently.
I was sorting out books to give away or keep and I came across this book called 'Savvy' which I hadn't read and was signed to my eX-wife.
I am going to give the book to my youngest son to either keep for himself, or give to his mother, as I don't want anything of hers in my home (except my sons:-).
I've never met Rachael before, but she was kind of like my son's boss when this book came out.
I was sitting at my dining table wondering if I should read it or not before giving it to my son, when Darren McGavin said the word "savvy" in the [E]X-Files episode I had on my iPad.
I even put the subtitles on and played over that bit again to make sure that I wasn't just hearing things, and sure enough he said "savvy" which was a word I hadn't heard anyone say for quite some time, so I took it as a sign that I should read the book before getting it outa my home.
I Want to Believe 2020 Isn't an X-Files Episode?
Zapping the Void?

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