
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

August 22, 2023

Did Someone Just Mention Caligari ... or Am I Crazy? ๐ŸŽฅ๐ŸŽช๐ŸŽŽ๐ŸŽฌ

I've just finished reading
'The Secret Life of Puppets' by Victoria Nelson in which she mentions many movies and books that I hadn't heard of before, or if I had heard of them before, never took any notice of them, or read or watched them before.
I bought Victoria's book back in 2014 through Amazon after listening to her on a '42 Minutes' podcast but have not read the book until this year, because of a series of personal synchronicities.
I now see that the book has a rating of 4.24 on the Good Reads site, so there is another personal WTF messages for me:-)
Her book turned 20 in 2023 by the way.
The Secret Life of Puppets and AI?๐Ÿค–๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿ“ฒ
The Secret Life of Puppets
Victoria Nelson
One of those movies mentioned by Victoria in the book is the 1920 German movie 'The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari', which I watched for free last night on You Tube.
Jake Kotze's video
clip '
Unreal Girl'
Margot Robbie is a doll in Barbie & plays
Sharon Tate who is in Valley of the Dolls
The Secret Life of Puppets by Victoria Nelson
I actually watched two different versions of 'The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari' last night, because I had read in a recent newspaper article (pictured above) that researchers have identified a new area (for them that is) of the brain which deals with rhythm perception, by hooking electrodes to subjects brains and playing Pink Floyd's 1979 track 'Another Brick in the Wall'.
Jesus ... Not Another LEGO Movie!?
One version of
the 1920 movie which I watched first, had a modern jazz soundtrack and English title cards and writing throughout the movie, which I really liked (above).
The other version I think had the original score written for the movie and title cards written in German (above) and since I can't speak or read German fluently, I was glad I watched the English version first, so I know what the German titles meant.
Selling Haunted Items - 
Caligari's Odditorium Podcast
Weirdly, I went to bed after midnight and was trying to find through Apple Podcasts search feature any recent podcasts the "Owl Guy" might have been on recently and a list of episodes came up including the one from the 'Paranormal Thoughts' podcast I had written a post about -
Did Someone Say Owls and Synchronicity?
Selling Haunted Items -
Caligari's Odditorium Podcast
But I didn't end up listening to any Mike Clelland podcast interviews early this morning (not realizing it was August 22nd at the time), as I wondered if the 'Paranormal Thoughts' podcast was still going and what the last episode was about, as I had stopped following the podcast a while back, because a lot of the subject matter discussed on the podcast did not interest me, so I gave it the flick from my Apple Podcast list.
Some of my artworks in my computer room:-)
But this recent podcast 'Paranormal Thoughts' podcast above caught my attention as I was ironically trying to go to sleep, when I saw the word Caligari in the title:-)
Barbie (film)
I found it amusing how Dillon tells Brent in that podcast about buying a Ouija Board and "it" spelling out the name of his late grandmother B-A-R-B-A-R-A:-)
"Barbara is a given name used in numerous languages. 
It is the feminine form of the Greek word barbaros (Greek: ฮฒฮฌฯฮฒฮฑฯฮฟฯ‚) meaning "stranger" or "foreign".
In Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox tradition, Saint Barbara (Greek: แผ‰ฮณฮฏฮฑ ฮ’ฮฑฯฮฒฮฌฯฮฑ) was imprisoned in a tower by her father. 
She was then martyred by her father when she refused to renounce Christianity
According to legend, her father was then punished with death by lightning
As such, Saint Barbara is a protectress against fire and lightning. "
"Early Christians occasionally referred to themselves as "barbarians" in opposition to the pagan Romans and Greeks.
The story of Saint Barbara is said to have been an inspiration for the fairy tale Rapunzel and other European stories that feature a maiden in a tower."
Weird Studies podcast: Episode 135 ·
November 16th, 2022
I might have to grab a copy of 'Gothicka' to read at some point.
I wonder if Brent has a haunted copy to sell me?-)
CRACKPOT: Mike Clelland:
, UFOs, and The Unseen
I was surprised to see/hear that the CRACKPOT guys invited the "Owl Guy" onto their show recently, too.
Crackpot Authors, Podcasters and Bloggers?๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿฆ‰๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ›ธ

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