
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

July 22, 2023

The EMPIRE Never Ended ... But When Did it Begin?🌍🌏🌎

Philo ... I mean Philip K Dick ... is often quoted as saying that "The Empire NEVER ended" and I would agree that if he means the Roman Empirehe probably has a point, but where did the "Roman Empire" start?
SHWEP Episode 56: The First
Western Esotericist: Philo of Alexandria
I've been listening in chronological order the 'SHWEP' podcasts and have just listened to Episode 61 about how astrology became big in Rome, so the answer is probably in the stars?-)
Every Man and Woman is a Star ... But Jesus is a SuperSTAR?⭐🌟
Episode 61: The Esoteric and the
State in Ancient Rome, Part 2:
The State and the Stars
I would highly recommend listening to the SHWEP podcast ... at least to where I'm up to at the moment ... to make sense of how we got here in "history":-)
Of course, these days we have all sorts of
Dicks telling us how they think we got here, right Chris?-)
And usually behind a pay wall;-)
Down 'The Secret Sun Institute' Rabbit Hole and Jaws Will Drop in 2023?🐇ðŸĶˆðŸ•ģ🐰

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