
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

August 12, 2023

Multi-dimensional Time Travel ... and Travel in General?🕛ðŸŒĐ⏰🌈

I personally don't believe that you can physically travel back and forwards in time like some BTTF or Terminator movie character to correct some perceived mistake in history.
But it's a fun mind game to think that you could perhaps?
I've been noticing a lot of traffic lately to an old post of mine about a guy named Jason Quitt, so I guess he must be making some pop-cultural waves right now ... as far as time travel goes?-)
Multi-dimensional Time Traveler, Jason Quitt?
Some blog stats I saw this morning about my blog
I guess the traffic is to watch the 'Truth Be Told' You Tube interview in that post?
My mirrored rabbit and red and blue playing cards>;-)
SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 
100: Thrice-Greatest Hermes
I believe the ride through life is a set one (pardon the pun) and good luck in trying to change your fate on this ride ... not that you or I really know what our fate is from our travels through this mortal coil  ... or simulation, if you prefer ... while we are going through it anyway;-)
The Matrix, released in 1999,
Year of the Rabbit
Yesterday, I bought a reflective rabbit and a deck of cards I found together in a shop.
These objects personally struck me and caught my attention, as the cards were a Singaporeair,com deck of playing cards coloured red and blue, instead of red and black, like traditional playing cards are, not that I knew about the colour of the cards until I got home and broke the seal on the deck and had a look through the cards.
And with this year being the Year of the Rabbit I saw the reflective rabbit like an Ecsher silver ball like figure I could hold in my palm and ponder a trip to Singapore next year, the Year of the Dragon, my Chinese birth zodiac ... that's if it is in my cards, though:-)
The funny thing also is I had just worked my way to the 100th episode of the 'SHWEP' yesterday (listening only to the free ones that is) before stumbling across the rabbit and the cards and that episode  was about Thrice-Greatest Hermes, the trickster.
Not only that, but that episode was uploaded on September 23rd, which is my birthday, and in the podcast, Earl states that Wednesday is the trickster's day and why Earl tries to upload podcast episodes on a Wednesday.
What I found even more personally amusing was that I was born on a Wednesday:-)
Maybe I should try to travel back in time and try and change all that?-)
Or just plan a trip to Singapore next year in the real world to see the flamigos at the zoo?-)
One Hell of a Singapore Synchro?

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