
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

March 31, 2020

A Greek Tragedy?

Tom and Rita on the March 13th (Friday 13th)
 front page of a 
Brisbane newspaper
From the same March 13th (Friday 13th
Brisbane newspaper
I was planning on going to the 'Brisbane Greek Paniyiri Festival' this year with my sons, but I found out in the March 13th, 2020 Queensland newspaper pictured above, that for the first time in 44 years the festival was going to be cancelled this year.
I missed the festival last year, but I did write a post about going to the festival in 2018 -
Paniyiri 2018: Under the Stars and from the Sea?
The front stairs of the Greek Club in Brisbane
Welcome to Country Under a Desert Sky?
 And while I was disappointed to see that the 'Brisbane Greek Paniyiri Festival' was not going to take place in May this year, because of the Covid19 virus, it would have been a bigger Greek tragedy had I've bought a ticket for me and my son to attend the event at the Emporium Hotel at South Bank in Brisbane, pictured above, which was not too far away from the Brisbane Greek Club, as far as the crow flies:-)
Left click on map to make bigger
Max von Sydow/CROWn/Corona-ry?
That was nearly a big fat mistake on my part to spend an evening with the Hanks clan at South Bank.
Saving Mr Hanks From Corona-virus in P.L. Travers' Home Australian State of Queensland, While Disneyland Closes to Save People From the Same Virus?
Looks like I saved my bacon by not going to the Hotel that night and by staying my six degrees away:-)
Gatherings Restricted to Two People in Australia to Slow Spread of CoronaVirus?
The siren I bought home from the last
Paniyiri Festival I went to:-)
Coffee and the Siren's Song
I wonder if Michah Hanks is related to Tom Hanks?
The Michah Hanks Program: Outbreak: The Disease Detectives
And I wonder if Thomas Glass, Ph.D is related to Stephen Glass?-)

Covid19: "It's Like You Have Glass in Your Lungs"?

Mark Blum in Shattered Glass (2003)
COVID-19 survivor Tara Langston
Tara said she wouldn't wish
the illness on her worst enemy
Mark Blum plays Lewis Estridge
The One Where the Sun Comes Out
Mark Blum: Madonna pays tribute to co-star after coronavirus death
Madonna and Rosanna Arquette in
Desperately Seeking Susan (1985)
Rosanna Arquette and Mark Blum in
Desperately Seeking Susan
"The US singer and actress remembered Blum, who played Gary Glass and died this week at the age of 69, as "funny, warm, loving and professional".
Blum also appeared in the 1986 film Crocodile Dundee, playing Paul Hogan’s love rival Richard.
His other credits included the 2003 film
Shattered Glass and a role in The Good Wife that he reprised in its spin-off The Good Fight.
In recent years he had a recurring role in the Netflix series
Blum's death was announced by Rebecca Damon, executive vice-president of the actors' union Sag-Aftra.
Starring Mark Blum as Richard Mason
The trailer for the next Dundee flick is finally here
"After years of rumours about a new Crocodile Dundee film – including the red herring that was that 2018 Australian tourism campaign – the trailer for the next Dundee flick is finally here.
The Very Excellent Mr Dundee isn’t exactly a sequel to the world-conquering Dundee films of the ’80s.
Instead, “this is six weeks in the life of Paul Hogan.
Everything you see is real, except for the bits that are totally made up”."
And on a personal synchromystic note, Mark passed away on March 26th, 2020, which was the date Australia Zoo closed its doors, because of the corona-virus and I was there the day before, the day that Bindi Irwin got married there at the zoo -
Guess Where I Was Today?
Starring Mark Blum as John
I noticed also that Mark played a character named John in the 1000th episode of 'Frasier', which aired on Remembrance Day (November 11th), 1997.
Sadly, David Angell who created the TV show 'Frasier' died in one of the planes on 9/11
David Angell's birthday is April 10th, and this year April 10th just happens to fall on Good Friday.
Writer of 'I Love Rock 'n Roll' Dies of Corona-virus?
Take Time to Smell the Roses Because Losing Your Sense of Smell Could Be One of the First Signs You Have COVID-19?

Tokyo Olympics Pushed Back to 2021 the Year of the OX?

New dates confirmed for 2021
Released July 16th?
sun mask (corona?) and a 
plague mask (virus?)?-)
Released July 16th?
Empty stadium in Japan?
I wonder why Kubrick released
EWS on July 16th;-)
2021 the Year of the OX
Looks like Jake Kotze's 2019 sync film was eerily prophetic in many ways after-all.
And let's not forget that -
National Crown Roast of Pork Day has always
 been observed annually on 
March 7

Kubrick Died on National Crown Roast of Pork Day?