
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

October 5, 2023

Remote Viewing Magician, Russell Targ? 🐇👀🐰

Well, speak of the Crowley and magicians, I write a post about Jack Parsons and NASA after listening to a 'Troubled Minds' podcast and now I listen to the latest 'Connecting with Coincidence' podcast and here is Russell Targ and Dr. Bernie Beitman starting off the podcast talking about Aleister Crowley and magic (real or imagined ... or staged) and Bernie even says that he was a member of the O.T.O in his younger years, which was news to me.
Well, there's a 'Connecting with Coincidencepodcast subject for another day I reckon ... Crowley, Parsons, JPL/NASA and "sex magic"?
Palm Pictures?!
42 Minutes Episode 296: Bernard Beitman: Connecting with Coincidence
Chris Mackey - The Positive Psychology of Synchronicity on June the 6th, 2020?

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