
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

October 19, 2023

Blade Runner and "The Eye of Orwell"? 👁👀

Eye I bought the 2007 Final cut of 'Blade Runner' this week, because I started reading P.K. Dick's 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' and wanted to know the differences between the book and the movie, as I hadn't seen the movie for many years and I'm sure I only saw the '82 theatrical version with the annoying voice overs by Deckard.
What Happened During 2-3-74?ðŸĪ·ðŸĶ‰
I could have hired the movie for $2.99, but at $7.99 I decided to buy it, which turned out to be a good decision for me, because that package comes with a few voiceover commentaries, including one by the director himself, which I found enlightening from a 2023 synchromystic perspective, as the movie starts off in November 2019, and we all know now what was about to hit in 2020 don't we?
Not that I believe Covid 19 was deliberately released into the world from the Chinese lab it probably did escape from, but Big Pharma did make a killing, while cleaning up that spill ... and still is to this day.
Joe Turkel played Tyrell in
Blade Runner and Lloyd
 The Shining
Ridley says the eye at the start of the movie represents to him the all-seeing eye, or "The Orwell Eye" and says he thought the world in 2019 would be imperialist and run by either 3, 2 or 1 big corporations.
Is All Contemporary Non/Fiction Speculative Fiction?
I have only read the first three chapters of Dick's novel so far, but I am impressed by the differences between the movie and his novel and can already see that they are too different stories already.
Dick may have been insane, but I like the way his mind worked when writing these stories ... or should I say didn't work?-)
James Tunney has a point when it comes to Dick's work?

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