
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

March 9, 2021

ZOOM in the Time of Lock-down?

The Mystical Underground:
Davina Kotulski
Manna From Heaven
Probably showin' my age here, but when I hear someone mention ZOOM I think of the 'Fat Larry's Band' hit single 'Zoom' and the single cover with the band breaking out of prison.
Connecting the Dots: Synchronicity - The Magic - The Mystery - The Meaning?
So, when I hear on 'The Mystical Undergroundpodcast Davina Kotulski, an ex-prison shrink talking about using ZOOM during lock-down these days I can't help thinking of 'Fat Larry's Band' breaking out of the prison bars:-)
The Mystical Underground Podcast?
I must say that I like the artwork on Davina's book 'It’s Never Too Late To Be Your Self:  Follow Your Inner Compass and Take Back Your Life' as it reminds me of a tattoo, I've seen around a lot lately:-
Blinded by the Nautical Star?
A nautical star tattoo on my right wrist
I also like how "leaping off the cliff" and the movie 'Nomadland' was mentioned in that podcast, too:-)
'Nomadland' looks like a movie I'll have to check out on the big screen soon.

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