
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

April 27, 2022

Everything Everywhere All at Once ... Again?

You may only see a pile of receipts,
but I see a story:-) 
I saw the movie 'Everything Everywhere All at Once' again last Thursday night at the cinema with my eldest son, who had just flown back from a trip to Melbourne that morning.
Funny thing is I showed him a photo of the front of the 
Coomera cinema complex lit up at night where I saw the film with his brother on Easter Monday night, telling him to watch the trailer and to see if he thinks that neon artwork looks like the front of a front-loading washing machine.
The front of the Coomera Event Cinemas
Why does that shot look familiar to me?-)
He said that he watched the trailer months ago when his ex-housemates showed him the trailer.
But here is the kicker, as we were lining up to buy the tickets for the movie last Thursday night, my son spotted his ex-housemates in the line and went over to chat with them because he hadn’t seen them for months.
Turns out they were buying tickets to the same movie and had just flown back from
Melbourne that morning as well.
My son came back to me in the line and told me that weird “coincidence” looking stunned and saying what a “small world” it was.
This cinema wasn't the only cinema playing this movie around Brisbane and there were other sessions throughout the day, too.
I felt like saying welcome to my “world” but I never bother him with my stories of “coincidences” in the “real world” as he doesn’t believe in woo-woo … well, at least he didn’t until last Thursday night anyway:-)
Everything Everywhere All At Once?
The funny thing is I found a piece of paper I was using as a bookmark which came with six over-sized I Ching coins I bought through the internet ages ago -
The book I found the piece of paper in I gave away and left the paper on my desk thinking about tying the coins up with red string and just hanging in the north-west corner in my home.
But I didn't have any red string lying around the home, then I saw my prawn hanging on the north-west side of my desk and had an idea:-)
I did this after reading the 'Synchrosecrets' post about the I Ching pictured above, as I can't be bothered tossing coins just to see what life would have thrown my way anyway -
Funny thing is that since I tied those coins to my shrimp/prawn I've been noticing a lot of 6s popping up in my life at bizarre times, like when my son told me about his ex-roommates seeing the same movie that that had told him about months ago, and I noticed that out of the 8 cinemas in that complex we were seeing the movie in last Thursday our cinema was number 6:-)
A string of coin-cidences?-)

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