
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

June 12, 2020

Chris Mackey, Matchboxes and Matching Coincidence with Artistic Matches?

Just Outside the Box Cartoon
Salavat Fidai Art
I wrote a post recently about Chris Mackey's fascination with June the 6th and the number 6 -
Chris Mackey - The Positive Psychology of Synchronicity on June the 6th, 2020?
The 90 becomes a 06 when turned upside down:-)
In that 'Connecting with Coincidence' podcast Chris tells Dr. Beitman about his 6 coincidences being like going through heaven and hell, and he also tells Bernie about a Redheads matchbox that had a 6 of hearts playing card on the matchbox.
"Redheads is an Australian brand of matches, originally manufactured by Bryant and May in Richmond, Victoria, but now manufactured in Sweden by Swedish Match.
It is Australia's top-selling match brand."
I don't smoke at the moment, but I always have a box of Redheads matches around the home to light candles and such, like the candle that sits on my computer table in my old 'Dark Side of the Moon' ashtray, for when I want to zone out and stare into the flame in a meditative state.
I also have some empty matchboxes from Mexico that sit behind me on my bookcase, which used to be full of matches, but I made sure to use them up first, so I don't have boxes which could ignite and set my books on fire by accident.
Chris also talks about the saying, "no man is an island", which I found personally amusing, as I wrote to cartoonist Martina Zeitler years ago asking if she could modify her man in a phone box on a desert island cartoon just for me, as a motivational poster about no man or woman being an island -
Just Outside the Box Cartoon
I also wrote a post about an artist I stumbled across in a book I was reading titled 'Think Small', which is about artists who make tiny works of art -
Better Than Yesterday Dr. Mark Cross?
By the way there was 606 likes and 6 dislikes
when I watched this
You Tube
But Salavat Fidai doesn't just clown around with pencils, he also paints on matchboxes.
Which makes me wonder if I could reproduce miniature Jackson Pollock artworks on my matchboxes, just to hang around in my kitchen?-)
And Chris does mention Pollock in that podcast also.

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