
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 30, 2022

JC Rakes in the Green Stuff Over Christmas with Avatar: The Way of Water?🤑

 Here are the 10 highest-
movies of 2022
Avatar: The Way of Water” has made over $1 billion in ticket sales in just two weeks.
James Cameron’s blockbuster, the sequel to the highest-grossing movie of all time, joins “Jurassic World: Dominion” as a 10-figure earner this year and may depose Tom Cruise’s “Top Gun: Maverick” as the highest-grossing 2022 release by the end of its time in theaters.
Avatar’s” performance means that 2022 will end with three films passing the billion-dollar threshold at the box office.
I wrote a post the other day about Jim Carrey resonating with 'The Green Man' -
But watching a series of videos made by Jake Kotze in 2012 called 'Green Heart' starring Jennifer Connerlly, Tom Cruise, Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey and seeing how many of those actors are in the Top 2 movies that grossed over a billion dollars at the box office in 2022, I thought it was worth watching those 4 videos again in 2022.
But the JC laughing all the way to the bank this Christmas is James Cameron I think;-)

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