
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 10, 2022

Icelandic Fermented Greenland Shark?🦈😋/😬

I had not heard of people eating "
fermented shark" until reading about it in the book 'Saga Land' yesterday and then watching a few You Tubes about Icelander's eating habits.
I wonder how long until Icelandic fermented Greenland shark makes it onto the Bribie Island Bowls Club's menu?-)
Enron, Richard Fidler, the Bowls Club and Me?
What If ... Organs Have Their Own Consciousness?💓🧠
Saga Land
And to think people think Australians are weird for liking Vegemite spread on bread.
I'm wondering now just what fermented shark with Vegemite on toast would taste like?-)
The Menu ... I'm Still Lovin' it?🍔
The mention of 'The Laudromat Cafe' in 'Saga Land' along with Iceland's famous hot dogs reminded me of when I saw the movie 'Everything, Everywhere All at Once' at the Event Cinemas at Coomera for some reason -

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