
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 19, 2022

Haunted Iceland/Haunted World?⛄👻

"Hofdi House, on the outskirts of Reykjavík, Iceland, was the building in which U.S. president Ronald Reagan and Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev held their first meeting that October. Although the New York Times ignored the haunting in its coverage of the summit, it was headlined in the Washington Post on October 4 and 5, and on October 6 that newspaper’s editorial cartoonist, Herbert Block (Herblock), immortalized the house. His panel shows two shadowy nuclear missiles looming over it, with a caption that reads: “Nonsense—I don’t believe in people.”"
I read about the meeting between Reagan and Gorbachev at Höfði in the book 'Saga Land' and wonder if their spirits get together now in the house to discuss how bad things are in 2022 with nuclear war still haunting the planet?
"Popular local legends differ from the accounts of the house's inhabitants; the most popular of which is that the house is a Viking burial site.
For this reason locals say
the liquor cabinet of the house is frequently raided by spirits:-)
The legend has even gained recognition by the Foreign Ministry who have officially stated that "We do not confirm or deny that the Hofdi has a ghost.""
 (October 13, 1909 – October 7, 2001)
Herblock was born on 10/13 sharing a birthday with 'The X-Files' creator Chris Carter, and he passed away just after 9/11 in 2001 on October 7th.
Eat, drink and be merry I guess, before we are all ghosts?-)
Icelandic Fermented Greenland Shark?🦈😋/😬

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