
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 30, 2022

Tell Him He's Dreaming?ðŸ˜ī🛌ðŸ’ĪðŸ˜ą

I have a lot of trouble recalling my dreams, even though I know that I do dream, for instance all I can remember from the dreams I had last night was seeing a bright green lime coloured frog.
I don't know what that meant because I can't recall the context of the dream.
Watching the 'New Dreaming Thinking Allowed' video 'Dream Premonitions with Christopher Robinson' I don't know what to make out of his dream recalls either ... but I'm not going to be the one to tell him he's dreaming, when I haven't got a clue what dreaming is all about anyway.
Lighting the Void with My New Dream Pillow?
I often wonder what the connection is between dreaming and imagination?

UPDATE: 30th December, 2022
Episode 3: Chapter Three, Part One
On the subject of the imagination, dreams and reality, episode 3 of 'Earth: A Love Story' dropped onto my iPad today, just after I finished writing up the post and it deals with similar themes on the waking, sleeping and imaginal mental state of being.
Earth: A Love Story ... Launched on Apple Podcasts on December 16th, 2022? 🌎💖🌏

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