
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

August 10, 2020

August 22 - Southern Hemisphere [W]Hoodie-[W]Hoo Day?-)

[W]HO DAY?-)
August 22 - Southern Hemisphere
Hoodie-Hoo Day
Listening to an old 'Hidden Experience' podcast the other day I heard Mike Clelland tell a guest that his birthday was August 22nd, and I was curious as to who else, as far as movie celebrities at the IMDB August 22nd birthday page goesshared this day as their birthday with Mike.
Interpretation of the Poem August by Dorothy Parker
Someone told me Dorothy runs the
'Watching the Watchmen' Blog?
I found out at the IMDB site that Mike shares August 22nd with such celebs as Dorothy Parker, Tori Amos (I'm a big fan:-) and Ray Bradbury.
I mentioned Ray and Dorothy sharing August 22nd as a birthday with Mike in my last post -
2020: A UFO Odyssey?
It Came from Outer Space
Winter in Australia is
Summer in North America
My Tori Amos CD collection
on a bookshelf behind me
Southern Hemisphere Hoodie-Hoo Day
Thomas Roy and his wife Ruth have created approximately 80 "special days", which are listed in Chase's Calendar of Events.
Do I see a corona on the front of the 2020 edition?-)
Thomas Roy (born November 30 {AKA Stay Home Because You're Well Day}, 1944) is an American film, television and voice actor.
12 Moonkeys?-)
A Film Critic and Scientist Review Pandemic Films in the Era of Corona-virus?
Conversations With Neale Donald Walsch
Conversations With God?
"Hoodie-Hoo Day was made up by the folks at, who felt like nothing to celebrate. They decided to make a special ritual for the people, who are sick and tired of winter and would like to chase it away.
And since August is the last winter month in Southern Hemisphere, this holiday is perfect for people in South America, Africa and Australia.
What should you do on
Hoodie-Hoo Day to chase winter away?
Go outside at noon (your local time) raise your heads above head and shout “Hoodie-Hoo”.
That's enough to cheer you up for a long winter day (and even month), because you know, that you've performed a special ritual welcoming spring.
And do you known, where does the word
“Hoodie-Hoo” originate from?
Ironically, it was first heard on the TV show The Andy Griffith Show.
This is a greeting word of “How are you?”, in talking country lingo."
Three Eyed Owl Zip-Up Hoodie
Maybe wearing a three-eyed hoodie on 'Hoodie-Hoo' day wouldn't hurt, either?-)
[W]Hoodie-[W]Hoo ... are you?-)
WHO Watches the Watchmen?
Looks like Mike is born on a cusp, as well?
What about a Hidden Experience [W]Hoodie-[W]Hoo Day instead?
My [W]Hoodie:-)
Dressed NOT to Kill?
Lion's Gate, August 8: The “Dog Days” Are Just About Over?-)

UPDATE: 2020

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