
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

September 11, 2018

Blue World (Dis)Order?

Blue World Order (2017)
Black Mountain Tower
I wrote a post about my visit to Black Mountain Tower in Canberra in 2016 and my thoughts about the surveillance state in that post -
Black (Iron Prison?) Mountain
Looking through the bars of Telstra Tower
 towards Parliament House
Blue World Order (2017)
In 2017 a movie was made featuring the tower titled 'Blue World Order'.
I haven't seen the movie and the trailer doesn't really draw me in to watching the movie either, but I do like the poster for the movie, as it sums up in a metaphorical sense something I read in 
Sarah Wilson's book 'First, We Make the Beast Beautiful' this week.
Sarah writes, 
"Technology frees us up ... to imprison us further.
It's created the imperative to go faster, to take on more ideas, and juggle more.
There are no excuses for not coming up with an answer, and immediately.
Not when there is Google.
Or Siri.
Or Bots.
There are no excuses for letting something slip."
Sarah goes on to write,
"Then (big sigh), when we do find it all too much, Modern Life slaps us with a 'disorder' or disease diagnosis.
When really, it is quite fair enough - reasonable and sane, even - to find ourselves anxious when faced with Modern Life.
I mean, we're too bloody over-excited.
Right Mum?
And as many pragmatic mothers tend to say, "Now what are you going to do about it?"
Blue World Order (2017)
Social Media and Technology Are Reducing Our Ability to Have Meaningful Conversations?
Don't take the blue view:-)

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