
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

August 14, 2020

The Masquerade of Angels: The Synchromystic Lives of Dr.Karla Turner and David Bowie?

Taken + Into The Fringe:
Dr Karla Turner Bundle
Masquerade of Angels by Karla Turner
If you have a spare ten hours and like listening to an A.I voice read you a book, then you can listen to the Karla Turner book Masquerade of Angels in the You Tube above.
Although I haven't, and probably won't.
Karla Turner (1948 - 1996 Jan 10)
David Robert Jones
(8 January 1947 – 10 January 2016)
I was listening to an old 'Hidden Experience' audio of Mike Clelland recalling a dream and referring to a book by a Karla Turner.
Hidden Experience Audio: Lampshade Dream and a Blue Orb
Dr. Karla Turner died of cancer on January 10, 1996
I had no idea who Karla Turner was, or what she wrote and said, so I listened to another 'Hidden Experience' audio where Mike posted her last lecture in the 90s -
Hidden Experience Audio: Dr. Karla Turner's Final Talk from May 7th, 1995
An online memorial and tribute
Dr. Karla Turner
What I found interesting when researching Dr. Karla Turner was that she and David Bowie passed away exactly 20 years apart, both on January 10th.
Bowie plays a guy named Philip in Twin Peaks
David Bowie in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992)
Friday, March 5, 2010 HE post:
Vivid Dream and Blue Orb (Laughlin 4)
I can't help thinking back to this post I wrote featuring the owls in 'Twin Peaks' and the connection to electricity and electric light/lamps -
42 Minutes with Dougie: Twin Perfect?
Friday, March 5, 2010 HE post: 
Vivid Dream and Blue Orb (Laughlin 4)
Twin Peaks (2017)
Sheryl Lee in Twin Peaks (2017)
Sheryl Lee in Twin Peaks (1990)
I wonder if Sheryl's green eyes were a factor in her landing the 'Twin Peaks' role?-)
Sheryl shares her birthday of April 22nd with some interesting people, don't you think?
Birth Month Day of 04-22
(Sorted by
Popularity Ascending)
Peggy Knudsen (1923–1980)
Nickname: Father of the Atom Bomb
I don't know what scares me more, aliens or dumb f#cking humans?
And I had to laugh when I heard Mike's cat set off a 'Project Camelot' podcast, and how Mike says he didn't even believe what Kerry Cassidy says in his dreams, because it seems that Kerry's website can't even get Karla Turner's date of death right, unless every other site including Dr. Turner's has the wrong date?
Project Camelot | In Tribute | Karla Turner
I couldn't care less about the "UFO Phenomena", but "Synchromysticism" really does pique my interest when it comes to Mike Clelland's life story;-)
Mike really is one of those "Maybe People"?-)

The Twin Peaks of Nightmares and Dreams?

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