
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 7, 2024

The Blank Canvas?๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿ–Œ๐ŸŽญ

I had not heard of
'The Blank Canvas' podcast before reading Kate Ceberano's book 'Unsung' where she writes in the book about being interviewed by the host (Lee Rogers/Kate's husband) on one of the podcast episodes.
The Art of Two Kate's in One Day Back in the Past? ๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿ–Œ๐ŸŽญ
The Blank Canvas Podcast
Kate and Lee at the Avid Reader 2023
I never knew who Lee Rogers was until the night of Kate's book talk, and I didn't even know Kate was married until Kate pointed him out at the book talk to the audience ... standing pretty much behind me on the night:-)
I went and downloaded Lee's podcast show from Apple Podcasts to listen to the Kate Ceberano episode and was surprised that David Bromley was Lee's guest on episode #1.
The Blank Canvas Podcast
Lee Rogers
I only discovered
David Bromley's art in 2018, when I bought a bottle of sparkling wine to drink to welcome in the New Year because it had butterflies painted on the label -
Happy New Year ... Again?!
I'm yet to see 'Bromley: Light After Dark' but those trailers have got me wanting to see it soon.
Bromley: Light After Dark (2023)
Ironically, David Bromley and his wife used to have an art gallery on the same street as the Avid Reader bookstore at West End, which I visited once, before attending another book talk at Avid Reader that year -
Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit ... Hole?
The Synchronicity of Chasing Butterflies?
There's That Butterfly Again? ๐Ÿฆ‹๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…
Time To Talk
Sean Sennett
And I'm ashamed to admit that I never knew who Sean Sennett was, until going to Kate's book talk last year.
And I certainly didn't know Sean also hosted his own podcast called 'Time to Talk', or that he was once the owner of the now defunct Brisbane 'Time Off' magazine ... which I won a lot of free double movie passes from and had to pick them up from the front desk at the magazine's headquarters in a dead-end street in the Valley.
And I never knew that Sean Sennett and Steve Kilbey from The Church made an album with Kate.
And I am a bit of a fan of Steve Kilbey and his music -
A Synchy Evening with Steve Kilbey
Ironically, my father died on Steve's birthday in 2016:-(
Which was the year I first went to Canberra and have a lot of good memories of -
Canberra Connections
I was surprised to see Lee had interviewed my old mate Remo, whose online store I used to hang around and buy and make stuff quite a bit before it closed.
Apparently, the online store is back up in another incarnation, I hear

I've never met Remo in real life, nor heard him speak before, although I have had emails with him back in the day of the old online store -
The Upside-Down Pineapple
Of course, now that I know that swingers use the upside-down pineapple to send the call out to other swingers, I wouldn't be seen dead with an upside-down pineapple now:-)
I still have my old 2008 and 2010 Remo diaries ... not ever written in.
Ironically, I have been listening to an audio book of 'The Diary of a Nobody' and watching the BBC TV series made from the book, because that's where I'm up to in my book '1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die':-)
Episode 015: Colin Hay
I've never met Colin Hay from 'Men at Work' in person to have a chat with, but I did see him play in a tent at the Woodford Folkfest -
Episode 037 Part A:
Fred Schepisi
I've never met Fred Schepisi in this lifetime yet, but I'm sure that I wouldn't be too many degrees away, as far as separation goes;-)
Probably not close enough to be slapped though:-)
I saw it was playing for free at the Brollie streaming service and watched it last night.
I was surprised that Tom Keneally had so much screentime in that movie.
I personally don't believe in the devil, but I have friends who seem to -
The Evil Eye ... and That Rug Really Tied the Room Together, Did It Not?
Roxanne (1987)
I've also watched 'Roxanne' today for free on SBS OnDemand, because it expies today according to the site.
I saw the movie when it first hit the cinemas, but I didn't realize it was directed by Fred.
I noticed that movie was released in 1987, the Year of the Fire Rabbit, and that Fred was born in 1939, the Year of the Earth Rabbit>:-)
In fact, the last film of Fred's that I saw at the cinema was 'The Eye of the Storm' back in 2011, the Year of the Metal Rabbit>:-)
Which I wrote about in this 2011 post -
How It Feels??? Synchronistic That's How! (Part 1)
Episode 029: Sam Bloom
Lee seems to have stopped making episodes in April 2023, so I don't know if he has put an end to the podcast, or whether he is taking a break.
Half of the names in those podcast episodes aren't familiar to me and the episodes featured in the post above are all I really want to listen to anyway, except for maybe the Jimmy and Jane Barnes episode.
I've written about the Bloom's before on this blog, so I had to listen to Sam being interviewed by Lee.
A Powerful Owl Synchronicity at the BBWF For Me
Time To Talk with Sean Sennett
Dami Im
I guess I'll just have to go over to the 'Time to Talk' podcast now and check out the guests Sean talks to on his podcast show.
I heard Sean tell Lee he grew up in Daisy Hill, so it must have been like going home to talk to Dami at her place.
Sounds like a nice suburb to live in and I'm sure that a lot of great people live there;-)
Time To Talk with Sean Sennett
Kate Ceberano
And if Kate starts her own podcast, maybe she could name it 'I'm Still Talking':-)

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