
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

May 29, 2020

CoronavirUS Global Update?

Lupita Nyong'o in Us (2019)
I listen to the BBC 'Coronavirus Global Update' podcast everyday and on one of yesterday's podcasts titled  -
No school in Philippines until Covid-19 vaccine available
they talked not only about school being cancelled in the Philippines until a vaccine was discovered, but how rats in New York city were heard fighting over food scraps and tearing each other apart.
Bearing in mind that 2020 is the Chinese Year of the Rat, how appropriate is that when it comes to an analogy of how humans are acting this year in the "Rat Race"?
'Rat Race' turned 40 this year,
by the way;-)
The US has passed 100,000 deaths in the
coronavirus outbreak
in less than four months
Coronavirus Global Update: US coronavirus deaths pass 100,000
Brenรฉ and Celeste Ng on Little Fires Everywhere
2020 is probably a good year to do some serious reflecting, don't you think?-)
George Floyd?!
Somewhere ... Beyond the Black Rainbow?
Better Than Yesterday Podcast: "Am I the A#sehole Here"?-)

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