
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

May 25, 2020

A Dumbo Feather and a Duck?

A duck that Michael drew for me back in 2013:-)
I stumbled across a podcast recorded back in 2018 which may even be more relevant now in 2020, and ironically it is numbered #19 of the 'Dumbo Feather' podcasts -
Dumbo Feather Podcast #19 Michael Leunig: Cartoonist, humorist, duck enthusiast
2020 lock-down?-)
Michael Leunig at the BBWF
I only found this podcast through finding the 'Myths, Morals & Money' podcast -
Small Giants: MYTHS, MORALS & MONEY Podcast?
My older brother died in his sleep last night, and ironically my Nana's nickname for him when he was little was "Duckie".
I don't know why, but I suspect it was in reference to how a British comedian Dick Emery would in a character sketch call people he liked "Duckie".
Me and Wayne starting The Fool's journey
In cricket, a duck is a 
dismissal with a score of
"In an age where we can find ourselves feeling exhausted on a daily basis—beloved cartoonist Michael Leunig brings perspective.
A duck helping us navigate our way through choppy waters.
In this episode Leunig chats with Myke Bartlett about how we can lean into the unknown, accept melancholy as an integral part of our lives, and find joy and beauty in the uncertain."
Artworks at the 2016 Byron Bay Writer's Festival


  1. So sorry to hear about your brother Daz...sending hugs x

  2. Thanks Ex.
    It was probably all for the best in a way, as he has been in like a nursing home for mentally handicapped people since mum had to put my father in a home when his dementia got out of hand.
    And she had her own battles with cancer to contend with.
    My brother was in nappies (diapers) all of his 57 years, as nobody could ever toilet train him with his violent temper tantrums he would throw so often.
    Plus he couldn't talk or communicate that well, apart for pointing at things or grabbing your arm to lead you to something he wanted to show you.
    He wasn't in the best of health when he died, but it was kind of unexpected to hear he had passed in his sleep.
    We are waiting on the autopsy to see what killed him in the end.
    I suspect heart failure or cerebral bleeding or stroke maybe?
    It's a stress for the family trying to plan a funeral in corona-virus restrictions, as in this Australian state we are only allowed 20 people at the funeral (which is better than the 10 limit from a few weeks back I guess), plus if the body isn't released in time by the coroner then the funeral will have to be moved to another day further on in the week.
    We also heard that my mother's sister is expected to die any day now, as well.
    That's life I guess.
