
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 26, 2020

Christmas 2020 in the Rear-view Mirror?

Heading home over the Logan River on Christmas Day
Part of my 2020 Christmas Day lunch
Boxing Day over here in Australia right now and Christmas 2020 is fast disappearing into the 2020 distance, with 2021 now less than a week away.
I wonder what the soundtrack for the Sydney 2020/2021 fireworks will be for this year?
How Did Sneaky Sound System's Song UFO Get on the 2020 Sydney Fireworks Soundtrack?
I'll have to watch the Sydney fireworks on TV an hour after they actually happen, again this year, because I live in fortress Queensland, which is an hour behind Sydney in the summer months, because we don't do Daylight Saving:-(
Ironically, that
Sneaky Sound System video above for their song 'UFO' was filmed in Queensland.
Maybe they should play their 'Goodbye' song at this year's NYE Sydney fireworks?-)
2020: Fortress Queensland?

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