
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 3, 2020

How Did Sneaky Sound System's Song UFO Get on the 2020 Sydney Fireworks Soundtrack?

Red Pill Junkie in UFO
I brought the 'Sneaky Sound System' UFO song up in my Tex Perkins' post -
Tex Perkins Fires Off at PM ScoMo on a Night at the 2020 Fireworks?
But I thought that I would mention it here in a separate post along with the other 13 songs whose soundbites were broadcast across the National ABC network after midnight and into the new year of 2020, along with the fireworks blasting throughout Sydney.
Being in the Australian state of Queensland I saw the delayed broadcast, because we don't do daylight saving like the other eastern Australian states, so we are 1 hour back in the past when it comes to summertime in Oz.
I thought that the TV shot above just before the fireworks began was kind of foreboding, where you can see the Ferris Wheel and smiling entrance to Sydney's Luna Park lit up in white light like some kind of eerie laughing ghost, while a TV screen to the side of the stage gave one of those "infinity tunnel" effects, where if you could look down the screens they would appear to go on forever.
The Luna Park smiling face and Ferris Wheel
 seen under the bridge
Luna Park has 14 attractions, according to ITs Wikipedia page.
That's one for each song, you might say?-)
The 14 Sydney midnight fireworks songs
Half of the songs on the soundtrack I wasn't familiar with anyway.
Being born the same year as Tex Perkins was, I'm just an old Dragon now, too;-) 
Here are the You Tubes of the songs (let's see how long they last though, the way You Tube pull videos and channels down:-) in order on the Sydney 2020 fireworks playlist.
 I couldn't find the Sia/Crowed House version used on the night, but here are a few versions to pick from, including the farewell concert from the steps of the Sydney Opera House.
But since the night had a rather creepy and foreboding feeling with all of the fires burning throughout the night around the country, I thought I would leave you all with this version below of
'Don't Dream IT's Over', since the world does seem to be full of scary clowns right now, as we try to move forward into the 20s.
Syd Mead: 'Pivotal' Blade Runner Designer Dies in 2019?
Happy 2020?
Let's hope so, cheers.

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