
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 3, 2020

The Joys of Nature and Snow ... and Christmas with Family?

I listened to two 'Conversations' podcasts yesterday on a bloody hot Australian summer day on the outskirts of Brisbane.
Ironically, the first episode I listened to was a talk with a 16-year-old Irish author Dara McAnulty with ABC radio host and author Richard Fidler about Dara's first book 'Diary of a Young Naturalist', where among other things they talked about Christmas snow and the difference in seasons between Australia and Ireland.
Conversations: Dara McAnulty and the Joys of Nature
But while Richard and I were probably sweltering here in Queensland, I saw that the Australian state of Tasmania had snow fall yesterday ... in Summer?!
Tasmania and a Lonely Planet?
Snow fell overnight and today around Great Lake in Tasmania, blanketing the ground and the trees
Me in snow at the top of
Mt. Wellington/Kunanyi in 2016
The first time in my life that I saw snow for real was in 2016 on top of a mountain in Hobart, Tasmania, and I heard that there was snow on top of it yesterday, too.
I wrote about my Tassie 2016 snow encounter in this post - 
So, that podcast episode put me in the mood for the next 'Conversations' podcast episode where Daryl William McInnes reminisced about past Australian Christmases to Richard -
Dara would probably look at all this stuff in this post as all coincidental chance?-)

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