
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 6, 2020

Consider the Rock Lobster for Xmas?

Southern rock lobsters are set to feature
Christmas tables across Australia
I've been sorting out round 2 of my current 2020 bookshelf clean-out, and while I'm a big David Foster Wallace fan I'm parting with all my DFW books in my bookshelf, except the one of his that I'm still yet to read, 'Infinite Jest'.
Dates with Destiny?
'Consider the Lobster' is one of David's books that I'll be giving away before Christmas this year, which seems odd timing considering the Australian Rock Lobster industry is telling us Aussies to consider Rock Lobster for Christmas, because the Chinese government are being Cu ... Christmas Grinches with Aussie food and drink tariffs:-)
China is Poohing on our wine and food industry?-)
Oddly enough, in my giveaway box is Stan Grant's (autographed, but not personally to me) book, 'Talking to My Country', which I found to be a good read and a book worth passing on, rather than gathering dust on my shelf.
Eternity Will Have Just Begun?
Stan Grant is the journalist who wrote that ABC news story analysis about China above.
I would have kept Stan's book if it was personally autographed to me, but it was just a book I bought down in Byron Bay that was from a pile of pre-autographed books, after I saw Stan's book talk at the Byron Writers Festival.
Stan Grant
(born 30 September 1963)
I only just realized that I took my first lot of books to the 
Bribie Island Book Exchange on Stan Grant's birthday of September 30th:-)
Talk about "Dates with Destiny"?
Seems that I'll have a lot on my plate to consider before Christmas:-)
Consider the Lobster
This Is Water: David Foster Wallace

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