
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 31, 2020

No Pressure No Diamonds: A Soul's Journey in Progress?

A very powerful soul searching interview between author of the book 'No Pressure No Diamonds' Teri A. Dillion and 'Grief 2 Growth' author Brian Smith, about life and their own current life journeys.
I couldn't help hearing the lyrics to 'Soul Asylum''s song 'Runaway Train' in my head as I listened to Teri's words describing the journey she is currently on ... a journey I doubt I would choose to ride to the end of the line in my life's current mindset, if something like this were to happen to me.
I watched my own father dying with Alzheimer's, only to be cut mercifully short on his nightmare of a journey by eventually dying from pneumonia, and I've promised myself that I won't be riding that train to the end should I ever find myself on it.
And my soul guide/s know that I ain't bluffing with that threat, either.
Most souls do nothing but crack under life's tough pressures ... few make it to be diamonds I feel.
It's a nice metaphor to to dangle like a carrot on a string in front of our minds to keep us going on a grueling life journey though.
Personally, I've never seen much value in diamonds in my life, apart from their use in the tip of a needle to play records.
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