
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 3, 2020

The X-Files is Just One Big Stephen King Carney Sideshow Nightmare, Right Mike Clelland?-)

Opening scenes of 'The X-Files' episode
Stephen King was born on September 21st:-)
I couldn't help but think of
Mike Clelland (and Chris Knowles) when I was watching 'The X-Files' episode 'Invocation' starring 
Billie Eilish's mum Maggie Baird as a psychic named Sharon Pearl.
Remember, Remember ... the Synchromysticism Surrounding Robert Patrick?
Billie Eilish was born in 2001, and 9/11 happened roughly 9 months after the above X-Files episode starring her mother aired:-)
'The X-Files' episode 'Invocation'
You can listen to Mike rave on like a fan boy about 'The X-Files' in the You Tube below:-)
But the irony here is that the Blair Witch writer/director Daniel Myrick ended up making the film 'Skyman', which Dan admits in an interview with Mike's mate Ryan Sprauge on Ryan's podcast show 'Somewhere in the Skies' that he had read Mike's book 'The Messengers' and loosely based the character Carl on Mike:-)
And we know that Chris Carter was inspired to make the season 7 X-Files episode 'X-Cops' with a handheld camera technique after watching 'The Blair Witch Project', if you read the trivia section at the episode's IMDB page.
Personally, I think 'The X-Files' TV show is just a pile of owl shit, and if I hadn't had bought the Chris Knowles co-authored book 'The Complete X-Files' years ago, and come across it this year in my bookshelf while doing a clean-out, I wouldn't have even bothered making it up to season 8 and this 'Invocation' episode.
This particular episode of 'The X-Files' was nothing much more than a fan boy mash-up of Stephen King's stories 'The Shining' and 'IT', which makes me think that Chris Carter could have just mashed those King titles together and called the episode 'SHIT';-)
Opening scenes of 'The X-Files' episode 
'The X-Files' episode 'Invocation'
Richard Compton (1938–2007)
I also noticed that the director of that episode of 'The X-Files' passed away on August 11th -

UPDATE: 2020

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