
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 9, 2021

Suicide: The Hard Questions ... and Answers?

Lately I've been reading the first three Allison DuBois books and listening to her podcasts episodes ... well the episodes that interest me personally that is, and while I don't agree with everything Allison says or writes, or even know how authentic her psychic gifts are, I did like and mainly agree with most of what she has to say in her podcast episode about suicide, knowing full well the mindset of a person who attempts to end their own life, having seriously made that attempt myself over 35 years ago -
Happiness is just a chemical?
The only thing I would strongly disagree with Allison on is that not everyone who attempts or plans on killing themselves has a chemical imbalance in their brain that clouds their rational thinking.
I would argue that the majority of people who take their lives are no less sane or chemically imbalanced than any other living "happy" person.
Life has a way of painting anyone into a dark corner, either physically, mentally, or both, I think.
In my own case as a young 20 year old high school dropout born into a poor working class family and growing up in an environment of doom and gloom in the 60s to 80s period of potential nuclear war, much like the young kids are growing up today with the media feeding them stories of the imminent destruction of planet Earth through global warming and nuclear/biological wars, it's easy to see no point in it all when you are trapped in a meat-suit that you are going to die in eventually anyway.
Without going into my own personal details of what put me in the position of seriously attempting to take my own life, I can well understand why people do take their own life.
I'm not condemning or condoning the act, as I know that there are still circumstances where I would consider taking my own life in the future, but I would certainly prefer not to ever have to.
If Allison can't understand why any "sane" person would take their own life, then I hope Life never shows her why.
The Spirit of Hemingway, Storytelling ... and Acting?
Ignore the red lines, as I recycled this image
 from an old
X-Files post
I agree with Allison about how religious people are told that suicides go to hell is just all dog(ma) sh#t, as I certainly don't believe that.
But I think Allison is right that if a soul does survive death (and I certainly believe that they do) it does create a kind of living hell for the loved ones they leave behind, and that's gotta emotionally hurt to witness the suffering of those you leave behind.
But not everyone who commits, or attempts suicide believes in a loving God.
I mean who would have faith in a prick of a god who would put you in that situation in the first place?
Just read the story of Jesus nailed to the cross asking His Father why He abandoned Him.
Even Jesus had his WTF moments, even with all of that inside information of the future.
Gee, if "God" has to question "God" then no wonder mere mortals like us do, too.
But nobody down here knows all the answers to the ultimate questions of life, or even if there are any.
I can't believe so called "Christians" and other so called religious people condemning "souls" to a fictitious hell, and I would bet my life that no loving God would, either.
I have a lot of sympathy for family members who have lost a loved one to suicide, and for those who have taken their own life ... unless it was something like a murder suicide where some coward took the lives of others before taking their own life.
For those cowards I don't believe you will go to hell (although for you I wish there was a place like that), but I do believe that karma is a bitch, and that Life isn't finished with you just quite yet.
Anyway, that's what my journey through life so far has taught this high school dropout, and whatever your beliefs about the person who would take their own life, surely you couldn't put the families through a living hell by telling them that your loving God has condemned them to eternal hell.
If you truly believe that then I think that you are the one who has the chemical imbalance and needs medical help:-)
Have a happy new year ... or take something so you do have one;-)
Cheers ... and may God bless you and yours:-)
The Five F’s For Facing Fear?
Sam Harris and 'Is Life Actually Worth Living?'
I included the above help numbers that you normally see at the bottom of most news stories involving the mention of suicide in Australian media, but I know from my own experience that I never would have bothered to use them.
When your mind is set on suicide not much will stop you, on this side anyway.


  1. As someone who has been touched by suicides, and has had the " murder ethos"preached afterwards, I do get riled over this topic. There are elderly living in pain and loneliness who refuse ANY medical help, and some consider THAT suicide. I believe in a loving creator who experienced life as one of us....I also believe Our God has the sovereign wherewithal to end OUR LIVES in HIS TIME, consider folks who have lived thru jumps or gunfire from " failed" attempts.Forgive me if this is too " religious ", but my greater point is NO ONE can say who is CONDEMNED, or NOT. Thank you for adressing this,MUCH disillusionment in YOUR neighbor the US.

  2. I don't know what you mean by "murder ethos" Dan, and while I do believe in a loving "God", for lack of a better word, I wouldn't regard myself a as religious person, even though I am Liberal Catholic and don't mind going to church or have a problem with anyone attending the church of their choice (as long as their message isn't preaching hate)... or not going to church at all if that's their thing.
    I believe "God" lives though everyone and everything and that it is only our egotistical egos that blind us to the fact that we are all in communion with "God" and all living things.
    I don't have a lot of faith in the mainly man-made religions of this planet, not to say that there isn't a baby in that bathwater somewhere, though.
    I think that we are both touching the same elephant in the room though Dan.
    But only God knows that for sure, right?-)

  3. My " murder ethos" is the " Thou Shalt Not Kill.." which suicide is lumped in. Good to share a mutual on points...and YOU are CERTAINLY not alone in attempts or ponderings on doing it, my friend. Cheers!

  4. The only rule I try to live by is "The Golden Rule".
    I don't believe killing other people is a good thing and won't be without future cosmic consequences, but if somebody broke into my house carrying a weapon, I wouldn't lose any sleep over killing them.
    They knew the risk they were taking surely.
    I'm not a "turn the other cheek kind of guy" and will defend myself, my family and even my country to the death if necessary.
    I don't believe in killing someone in cold blood, but in self-defense I have no problem.
    I don't see suicide as self-murder ... it's more of a very desperate last option by the person (that's if they are in their right mind at the time, whatever that is) who has usually been thinking about it for weeks beforehand.
    I'm sure it's not a decision that was taken lightly at the time.
    I've heard people say how selfish people are who do commit suicide, and I don't buy that at all ... unless they take other lives with them.
    Most people don't kill themselves to hurt the ones they leave behind, they do it usually because they can't take life anymore, for whatever reason.
    Anyway, I didn't write this post to try and justify suicide to someone who may be thinking of committing it.
    I wrote it for families and friends who have to live in the aftermath of someone who has done it and wonders if they could have done anything to have prevented it.
    And I say most probably not ... and don't beat yourself up over it.
    And I think the only hell those souls would be in would be from seeing and feeling the grief, hurt and anger in the lives of the ones left behind ... so maybe they do end up in a kind of hell after-all?
    Although, a lot of people who take their own lives probably believe they are only headed for an oblivious forever sleep anyway.
    Usually by that stage of the game all hope is lost in believing in a fair and just God ruling the heavens.
    But God works in very mysterious ways as they say, right Dan?
